The IIP Series: For The Perpetual Hygge

The IIP Series, also known as the Influential and Inspiring People Series, was created to showcase the many talented, hardworking, and innovative individuals I have had the privilege of knowing. I want to be able to share their stories while inspiring others to build their own paths along the way. My goal is to interview and photograph a list of (so-called “ordinary”) individuals who, in my eyes, are extraordinary. Many of them are making an impact in this world through their passions, and I want their stories to be heard. This one is FOR THE PERPETUAL HYGGE.

Read the full article here!

For those of you who don’t know, Diana is my older sister and best friend. She has created her very own lifestyle brand, Pear Life (People Empowered And Renewed), which focuses on community-building through self-care, travel, minimalism, sustainability, and perfectly imperfect life experiences. From watching my sister overcome bullying when moving from Mexico to the U.S., to climbing to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, she never ceases to inspire me. Diana is committed to sharing her secret to happiness with the rest of the world through her experiences as a sister, wife, pageant queen, friend, cousin, and everything in between. Read on to learn more about my amazing sister, Diana.

1) How Was Pear Life Started?

It’s a funny story, but it all started when I was getting my wisdom teeth out. I had to request a week off of work, because I was getting all four of my wisdom teeth removed. The day I came back home from the dentist office I was in pain and on heavy medication, the only thing I could do was sit on the porch, watch the rain fall, and relax. During that entire week, I really enjoyed being at home and “watching the day happen.” That is a term I refer to very often. When people are usually at work, working a 9-5 job, they usually don’t watch as the days happen. They get very distracted from the things going on in their life, especially dedicating most of their time to work, that they don’t enjoy the little things in life.

That’s when I had an epiphany. What I was doing before, with my job, I wasn’t happy with. It was not something I truly wanted to do or something that truly brought joy. It felt like I was just letting my life go by, like so many of us do. So I decided to do something that scares me. I’m going to start my business. It’s risky because it’s new, it’s different, and I knew I wouldn’t be earning money for quite some time. I thought the best thing I could do is just jump in and dive in right away. That’s the day I decided that I’m going to start telling my story though my blog while also having an online shop where I can sell carefully curated products. And share my life experiences and advice that I have learned through my years… and that’s how Pear Life came to be!

2) What Has Been The Best Part Of Creating Your Brand?

The best part of it is feeling like I finally am doing what I’m destined and meant to do. I’m using all my natural born gifts and applying them to one situation, which is this. I feel like I know I can be succesful in it while also bringing joy to people.

3) When Life Gets Overwhemling, What Is Something That You Like To Do For Your Mental Health?

I really enjoy writing down all my thoughts thorugh my journaling. I like to do morning pages, inspired by Shutterbug Lizzy who suggested I do that. Also, something I love doing is talking to people.

4) What Did Little Diana Want To Do When She Was Young? Have You Always Known That Being Your Own Boss And Managing Your Own Company Was Something You Were Meant For?

I think my mom said it best when she used the term jefecita, which means cheif or boss in Spanish. I think I was always meant to do something entrepreneurial. I have what it takes to be a good leader. I really like to lead; I enjoy that position. At the same time, I knew I always wanted to be some type of motivational speaker. I like interacting with people and I think that’s what I’m really good at. I think my best skill is intuition. By using my intuition I know what people are looking for, what they want, what they are seaching for and what kind of advice they need depending on the season of life. I think my intuition is almost like my superpower, but it’s lead me to read people quickly… not by judging them, but just learning to adapt to them in conversations and certain situations. Some of the best business poeple are the ones that know their audience and they know how to be around them. Using my intutition, leadership skills, and overall sense of entreprenialship, all of that combined, has finally lead to Pear Life.